My second tournament back was a huge success. It was smaller than I'm used to, but with 9 entrants we
played 4 rounds of Swiss format, and my opponents for the most part did not dissapoint
Round 1 : WRA T.G. Agents vs Michael's Psychic deck
Game 1:
Game 2:
I had dueled him a month ago in the first round and experienced my first loss in tournament play since my return to the game due to his side decking. I got nervous as the Ally of Justice Quarantine and Ally Salvo hard countered me. I sided in a second smashing ground and some other field control. Once again I get off to an early Venus + Gachi start, and he is unable to turn things around.
Result: OO WIN
Round 2 : WRA T.G. Agents vs Mario's 60 card Exodia Burn
Game 1:
The game started with my opponent asking me if I was good, as well as "do you have any 5Ds cards?" I was not certain what he meant, but he revealed he was speaking about synchros. He starts with a defense monster and four back rows. I start off with a handful of spells, Hyperion, and Sangan. Sangan, the world destroyer, proceeds to bravely rip apart his defense mode monsters, including several arms and legs of exodia. I manage to shake off his Just Desserts on one monster and secret barrel on four cards and slide by with a win.
Game 2:
I get off to an early start with Venus and Gachi, he's unable to compensate.
Results: OO WIN
Round 3 : WRA T.G. Agents vs Rasheam's Nordic Beasts
Game 1:
Rasheam is a new player, he said he started recently and he had a high skill ceiling. Not knowing much about nordics, I end up destroying some defense monster with a Venus, allowing him to get Tanngnjostr of the Nordic Beasts. I exceeded the shine balls I summoned and get a gachi and end. He switched Tanngnjostr to attack mode to get a Guldfaxe of the Nordic Beasts from his deck. He got a two star monster (can't recall which it was) and synchroed into a Thor, Lord of the Aesir. I end up Solemn Judgment the summon, however he is able to follow up with a Monster Reborn. The 3500 beat stick is too much for me to handle, and I scoop.
Game 2:
I start off early. I'm able to get Kristya off early and control his specials. He plays a Tanngrisnir of the Nordic Beasts not realizing the tokens are special summoned. I'm able to take him out by preventing his win condition.
Game 3:
He starts off, and in a very similar fashion as game one pulls off early Thor. I'm able to take out Thor by summoning a pair of Hyperions and reborning his Thor. With Thor, twin Hyperions, and Sangan the world destroyer, I am able to overwhelm him. He scoops, and I move into the final match for first place.
Round 4 : WRA T.G. Agents vs Lewis' D Heroes.
Game 1:
I'm not able to get anything started. Lewis responds to a MST with Scapegoat. I special out T.G. Striker and T.G. Warwolf to take out two goat tokens, followed by synching into Catastor. On his turn he normal summon Glow-Up Bulb and special summons Destiny HERO Plasma . I destroy it with with Dark Hole, and proceed to attempt to beat him down with my attack mode Striker. He reborns his Plasma and sucks up my Striker. I have no answers and simply scoop.
Game 2:
My hand is very similar to my first one. I am able to get off early with Magical Android. He has no answers to her early on and I get him down to 800. He is eventually able to bring out Elemental HERO the Shining and Destiny End Dragoon. I have a Mystical Shineball and a T.G. Warwolf in defense mode. I use Pot of Duality and pull a Bottomless Trap Hole. I set Bottomless down next to my Dimensional Prison and Book of Moon his Dragoon. He summons Destiny Hero - Diamond Dude revealing Monster Reborn off his deck. Opting not to flip up the Dragoon due to Bottomless, he attacks my Shineball with Shining, which I D Prison, then finally kills it with Diamond dude. on my turn I summon my Herald of Orange light, flip my Warwolf, and synchro for Ally of Justice Catastor, running over his Diamond Dude for exactly 800.
Game 3:
My hand looks awful again, and I'm forced to play with my T.G.s more than my agents. He gets out Diamond Diamond dude early and reveals Polymerization, which he is able to next turn use to bring out Shining, as well as remove a light and a dark for BLS to remove my Hyperion. On my turn, I am able to Mind Control his BLS in order to have him remove himself, and with Wolf and Striker form my Catastor to take out Shining. He is unable to get a solid answer for Catastor. He begins to top deck after using Torrential on his own monster. With 1800 life left he draws into Reinforcements of the Army, which he uses to get Elemental HERO Stratos . His effect activates which seals the game in my favor, as I use Herald of Orange Light to pop it, leaving my Striker and Agent Earth on my next turn to finish off his life points.
It was a great learning experience for me, as many of these decks were new to me. It was difficult to remember all the play by plays specifically, but I tried my best to provide the key moments in each duel. I look forward to re-matching with my opponents at the next tournament!
Wow, your T.G Agents owned the tourney! Congratulations! So, what was the best play you think you pulled in this tourney? :)
ReplyDeleteRound 3 game 2, he cant legally target thor as a monster reborn target.
ReplyDeleteTo be honest, in my second game against Lewis I thought I was through. I originally summoned my Herald planning to exceed into Gachi, I had thought he attacked wolf and not my shine ball. Things worked out better because Catastor was all I needed to win.
ReplyDeleteO'rly? Is it because of Solemn Judgment? I thought that might be the case but I wasn't positive so I just went with it... I'll have to remember that.
As a onlooker how the last match I have to day those were some brilliant plays with no agents available to u. GOOD JOB!
ReplyDeleteRound 2: Opponent couldn't reborn Thor (You Solemn'd it)
ReplyDeleteRound 3: Opponent couldn't summon Plasma (I think), as Goat Tokens cannot be used as tributes...but otherwise...great job on the victory...looks like your locals is a little more diverse then mine, which only plays tier 1 decks or very high tier 2 decks...